Monday, January 4, 2010

Labor, it's like riding a bike right?

I'm four weeks away from being full term and more than ready to have this baby and be done with pregnancy. I've heard women say how much they LOVE being pregnant and it is just the greatest thing in the world. I don't get it? I love the fact that I'm about to have another child, but since when do people love something that makes them fatter than a buffalo, completely uncomfortable, and sick? Not to mention the fact that you are essentially grounded for the entire pregnancy since you aren't allowed to do anything fun, and your too tired to do the things you are allowed to do.

Anyways, as I get closer to the date, again thank GOD, I am starting to get a bit nervous about the actual labor part. With Lyric, my water broke before I ever had a contraction. So if my water doesn't break will I be able to tell I'm in labor? More importantly will I be able to tell soon enough to get to the hospital and receive drugs, lots of drugs? Also, I've never taken a birthing class or anything like that; will my body know what to do? It did the last time but I don't really remember much of the last time (probably due to the drugs, lots of drugs). Either way I'm more than ready to get this baby out of me, enjoy a nice vanilla stoli and diet, and meet my lil girl (not necessarily in that order ;) )


Robyn Jones said...

I've had five kids, and six pregnancys...I LOVE kids, babys...but I DO NOT love pregnancy....I am with you...LOL!

~M~ said...

God bless you momma, you must be very busy :).. glad to know I'm not alone though!

~M~ said...
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