Friday, January 22, 2010

I'm having a baby in 9 days!

Well Braelynn decided to give me a little excitement yesterday. I went in for my ultra sound to check her size and fluid levels in order to get the ok to move forward with the turning next week. Thank goodness I went in because they learned that her fluid levels are scary low, she also has the cord wrapped around her neck! My doctor called immediately and let me know that we will not be doing the turning and my situation could be potentially dangerous. I was given strict orders to not leave the couch for the next 10 days except to go in for my medical tests. Monday I have a bio physical test, Thursday another NST, Friday pre-op apt. and then, drum roll please...... Monday February 1st, Braelynn will be making her way into the world (via c-section)!!! After having a good long cry to Stefan about having a c-section and learning that there was a problem, it began to sink in how close I am to meeting her! Of course there is also the annoying fact that now my nesting has kicked in at over drive but there is not a thing I can do about it! I just have to sit here and watch the dust build up on the shelves and TV stand in front of me, and the husky hair swirl around the wall panel (this must be what hell is like).  Lyric and I also had an interesting visit to the fine dining establishment McDonalds, more on that later.


sahm CFO said...

Good Luck! The last days are the hardest right?

My kids make "nests" for their stuffed animals out of the dog hair and cat hair...

~M~ said...

LOL I can totally imagine Lyric doing that!

Thanks :)