Wednesday, December 30, 2009

post script oil update

Quarles was on time and we got our tank filled yesterday!  I had our annual girls Christmas dinner at my lovely friend Kara's house, so I was about an hour away from home when I got a text from Stefan.  Electricity went out.  Just when the radiators had gotten nice and warm and began the process of heating the house... bam!  Poor Stefan was at home with no working electronics (which I think may have been the end of the world for him, he can certainly power through the cold, but no lap top GASP!)  To pass the time Stefan prepared a cozy romantic fire for him and the dogs and took a nap in our fireplace room, not too bad.  The fine folks at VA Dominion were able to restore power by 9 and by the time I got home around midnight the house was nice and warm.


Stillie said...

The power loss really because I was so proud of myself for figuring out how to relight the boiler.

~M~ said...

Oh hun, how could I forget to include the pat on the back for the broiler lighting.. next time you will get your virtual kudos I promise :P

Stillie said...

I need no virtual kudos...Just the smiling faces of my girls as they enjoy the warmth I've provided.

~M~ said...


MOM said...

Are you kidding?