Monday, March 1, 2010

Baby updates: Sleepless nights and a doc apt.

Brae had her two week check up (well I slacked a little and she was actually four weeks old) but we eventually made it to the ped's office and everything checked out just fine.  She now weighs a whopping 6 lbs 13 oz and is 20 inches long.  When Lyric was born she was 6 lbs 15 oz and 19 1/4 inches long.  Which is interesting since Brae technically was due right around now.  When I have another baby I'm having a contest to guess the weight and length I am fairly certain, unless other participants read this, I have it in the bag!  We are getting there as far as sleep is concerned, on good nights I get about a four hour stretch.  I certainly am not going to complain about four hours,  I know what two/three hours feels like, and its not pretty!  Nights right now are still kind of a blur though, I often find myself falling asleep in the middle of feedings waking up to Braelynn on the bed next to me with the nipple poking her in the eye or half the bottle pouring out all over the bed.  But we are troopers and we are powering through it!


Karen Bell said...

Marie -- what a great picture, and I'm glad Braelynn's checkup went well. I hope she sleeps longer for you soon too. :)

-Karen Bell

natural fertility said...

She had a very adorable picture. You don't have to worry about the sleeping pattern. They will still change and some how you could learn to adjust on the whole thing. In case you have fertility concerns, I found this site that maybe helpful.