Saturday, March 13, 2010

I own fat, I make fat work.

As you all know my post-baby weight loss plan includes mentally willing the weight away and eating whatever the eff I feel like.  As you might guess, this method isn't exactly working, at least not with record breaking speed.  When I had Lyric five years ago I was a fabulous size two (ok fine, size four), I gained 20ish pounds during my pregnancy and was back to fighting weight four weeks after popping her out.  What did I do you ask.  Absolutely nothing.  I was younger and apparently back then my metabolism was my friend.  Well flash forward five years, my metabolism has flipped on me, it is now my foe.  Pre-Brae I was size four (FINE size six), I gained 30 pounds and six weeks later am not even close to my fighting weight.  Granted, I didn't go into this at an ideal weight, but I'm not even at my acceptable fat weight!  I went back to work last week and since a naked first impression wasn't the impression I was going for, I needed an entire new wardrobe.  I had to swallow my pride, suck it up and buy the size 10 pants (and a few 8s) *sad face*.  I drowned my sorrows by treating myself to two weekends of retail therapy and since I felt so terribly for myself, I really spoiled myself, because I can and because I deserve it!  I love my new fat girl wardrobe and it will now be my new excuse to avoid the gym.  If I lose the weight, I won't fit into my new clothes; we can't have that now can we ;).