First I would like to say Happy 5th Birthday to my big girl, Lyric. I wish I could bottle up my girl's childhoods and save them forever. Time passes by way too fast and it is bittersweet in so many different ways.
The other big event this weekend was Valentine's Day. If you look to the left I have posted a pic of me and hubby in honor of this day of love. Lyric went to Disney on Ice with Auntie Laura and Braelynn had a sleepover at Grandma's, so we actually got a kid free night out! In addition to flowers, a dinner and card I also was given the gift of finally being able to squeeze into my pre-prego jeans, a night of win all around.
My random thoughts on Valentine's Day:

There are two different types of people that present themselves on Valentine's Day: the Happys and the Bitters. The Happys fill their day with candy hearts, silly stuffed animals, sparkly jewelry and overly sweet Hallmark cards. There are both single and committed Happys, this group is just, well, happy. They want to celebrate love whether it be a significant other, parent, child or whomever. Now the other group is the group that generally I try to avoid especially on days such as Valentine's Day, the Bitters. The Bitters hate everything about the evil, evil holiday that is Valentine's Day, and they will tell anyone who will listen how they feel. Not only are they miserable and unhappy, but they want you to be miserable and unhappy too. Why should they be all alone with their agony? What this desolate group doesn't get is that their gloomy attitude is what is keeping them from getting the exact thing that is making them depressed in the first place. Who wants to be with an Eeyore? The answer, no one! So ladies, enough with the man bashing, find happiness within yourself and everything else will fall into place. If you are happy and confident and not trying so hard to hunt and devour love, love will find you and you will be ready to accept it.
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