If you don't have kids you are seriously missing out on hours of entertainment. I, not unlike most moms, believe I have the funniest kid in the world (along with the smartest, most beautiful, nicest, I could go on for hours). The girls and I drove through McDonalds for some grub this morning and Lyric says to me "Mommy, I love hash brownies from McDonalds". Hopefully if this is repeated in public people will know she is referring to the delicious, fried potato dish McDonalds serves alongside their breakfast meals and not the illegal variety, but either way it had me laughing. It also reminded me of a mispronunciation my best friend, Jeanine's son used to have when he was younger. When talking about cotton

balls he would say c____ and balls (in order to stay work safe I'll let you all fill in the blanks!). Of course, being the mothers of the year that we are, we would have him say cotton balls repeatedly and then continue to laugh our a$$es off. Poor Jake, he probably could never figure out why we thought plain old balls of cotton were so hilarious.
I'm dressing this post up with some self portraits Lyric has taken on my iPhone (I believe they are fitting). Generally when my phone disappears by the time I find it again my camera roll is filled with close ups of her mug and 700 shots of her feet in various poses all over the house, enjoy!